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An Ode to the Ootcuts - Small Starts to the Obscure

I started the week sorting out the latest developments for the label from comparing different companies, we have decided to go for brushed steel hang tags we feel this links well with the backstory. I also got a chance to go down to The Kelpies to take more photos to help get a good angle for the label, I also managed to get the bags stamps so I brought them along for product photos with a nice backdrop. Towards the end of the week, we have been working on the finishing touches of the portfolio and making sure everything is ready for hand-in.

Having these past few weeks to reflect on our creation and again filtering this into a lesson plan has made the conclusion to this work placement a great one. Having such an uptake to our idea and pack from a wide variety of users, expertise and people from all walks of life really has presented how open people are to help, assist and be part of something totally abstract, but I suppose that's what makes the Ootcuts.

We've still been having chats with The Altered State, and production seems to be growing ever more likely which seems to have light shining on the Ootcuts becoming a product to be seen on the shelves, with a reduction in costs seeming ever more promising.

To look back to our simple beginnings to what we've been able to create, to the people we've encountered and the opportunities created during the placement has been a boost and we're glad that it has extended to become something more, not only for us but the people that shall take on our pack, to see how they make the next obscurity.

Looking over our work it is amazing to see the range of different ideas and concepts that were made at the start and how they have developed into something new. We have both learned so much through this process helping us gain more confidence and experience within design.

Some feedback on the Ootcuts Journey...

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